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The Secret of Using Surveillance Cameras To Prevent Theft During the Holidays

The Secret of Using Surveillance Cameras To Prevent Theft During the Holidays

Whether you are a Colorado Springs homeowner or shopkeeper, the sound of jingle bells no doubt fills your heart with the joys of the season – and also reminds you that you need to take steps to prevent theft during the holidays. No matter how safe your neighborhood seems or how tight the security at your store may be, there are always opportunities for thieves to take what is not rightfully theirs. However, you can take steps to prevent theft during the holiday season. The secret is to utilize the best in security camera and surveillance systems.

If you are a home or retail owner looking for a powerful tool to keep thieves away from your home and shop, consider these benefits of a robust surveillance system.

Prevent Theft At During The Holidays – At Home

With the ease and convenience of online shopping and delivery, you may overlook the risks involved with leaving delivered packages on your doorstep while you are away from home. In addition, Colorado Springs homeowners who populate their yards with festive lawn decor have reported a rise in individuals stealing or vandalizing these expensive decorations. How can you protect your valuables from these crimes?

Find Your Weak Points

Take a moment and walk outside your front door. While we want our homes to be inviting to our friends and family, ask yourself if you are unwittingly inviting thieves to your doorstep. For instance, are your front door and any packages left there easily visible from the street? Do you have sufficient outdoor lighting to deter burglars from entering your property when the sun goes down? If you have a gate, do you keep it shut, especially at night? Giving close attention to these details will provide you with an idea of areas to start increasing your security and preventing theft during the holidays.

Change Your Delivery Method

Daytime theft from doorsteps has become more popular as more homeowners spend their days at work or otherwise away from their homes. Knowing this, many delivery companies allow homeowners and renters to leave confidential instructions on where to leave packages. Amazon, FedEx and UPS all have delivery notice services that you can personalize with where you would like your parcel left (behind the milk box, inside your gated porch, under a bush, etc.).

When placing online orders, be sure to check out what delivery options are available to you. From delivery instructions to holding packages for pick-up to changing your deliveries to your workplace instead of home, there are plenty of options to ensure that a Grinch does not ruin your Christmas.

Add Timers Indoors And Motion Sensor Lighting Outdoors

There is a reason why more burglaries happen at night. Darkness provides an enticing cover to thieves, especially when it is evident that the home is empty. If you plan to be away for the holidays, place timers on your lamps, set to come on at dusk.

To prevent burglary of your lawn decorations, consider installing motion-sensor lights in your yard. Very few thieves want to steal under the spotlight.

Install Security Cameras At Ingress Points To Your Yard And Home

There is a good reason why Colorado Springs homeowners utilize security camera surveillance systems to protect their homes, valuables and loved ones. Put simply, security cameras work. The sight of a hard-wired, and thus hard to tamper with, security camera is a significant deterrent to burglars. Additionally, many security cameras come standard with features like night-vision and smart options that make accessing video footage easy if needed.

Related Reading: Best Places to Install Home Security Cameras

Prevent Theft During The Holidays – Retailers

Many Colorado Springs businesses rely on sales during the holiday season to bolster their yearly revenue and know first-hand how shoplifting affects your bottom line. Theft is one of the most significant factors that negatively influence retail businesses. If you own a retail shop in Colorado Springs, how can you reduce the risk of theft inside your store?

Identify Weak Points

The advice for homeowners above goes double for the diligent shopkeeper. The first thing you need to do is identify areas of your retail space that are most prone to shoplifting. These may be aisles that are not easily visible by employees at the register or displays close to the front door. If you are concerned that you are missing areas that might be incredibly tempting for the shopper looking for a “five-finger-discount,” ask for help from surveillance security camera experts like System Links. During your free on-site consultation, the experts can identify areas you may have missed while developing a comprehensive plan to prevent theft during the holidays and year-round.

Related Reading: Most Popular Reasons to Install Security Cameras in Small Businesses

System Links - prevent theft during the holidays in your shop

Have A No-Tolerance Shoplifting Policy In Place

Let’s be honest, as vigilant as you are, it is impossible to keep an eye on every corner of your store every moment you are open. At one time or another, you or your employees will be assisting another customer, ringing up a sale, or just taking a much-needed break. To ensure that you and your employees are on the same page, establish a written “no-tolerance” policy for handling shoplifters. If your plans include pressing charges against all shoplifters, post signs in conspicuous places so that potential thieves know the risks involved with stealing from your store.

Install Modern Security Camera Systems

The most effective way to prevent theft during the holidays is to install advanced security cameras and surveillance equipment in your store. Modern security camera systems enable retailers to monitor their stores through mobile devices. Whether you are away on vacations or at home, an advanced surveillance system lets you keep an eye on every spot in your retail store.

Installing a security camera system both inside and outside your store will consistently record the activities in and around your shop. This allows you to report suspicious activities to authorities immediately and protect your valuable items. If your shop does fall victim to theft, you can share the footage with the police to aid in the prosecution of the thief. And who knows? Maybe you even will get your stolen goods back.

One of the hardest things to do for most small business owners is to leave the business in someone else’s care. This is one area where security camera systems really shine. Many advanced surveillance systems come with a wireless connection that enables you to monitor your property when you are away via a mobile application on your smartphone. This application allows you to check suspicious activities and provides mental peace that your property is secure.

Affordable Surveillance Solutions Can Prevent Theft During The Holidays

A few years ago, small businesses and homeowners found security cameras systems to be cost-prohibitive. Fortunately, times have changed, and security camera surveillance systems are affordable and come with advanced features that make it easy to prevent theft during the holidays. System Links is Southern Colorado’s premier choice for security camera system sales, installation, and service. Because we are locally and family-owned, our dedication to the safety and security of our neighbors is second to none. Contact us today for a free, on-site consultation at your home or business.

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Gated Community Security Camera Surveillance Systems

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Gated Community Security Camera Surveillance Systems

Gated Community Security Camera Surveillance Systems

Southern Colorado has seen a surge in homeowners seeking the safety and exclusivity afforded by gated communities. One of the best ways these neighborhoods protect their residents is through gated community security camera surveillance systems.

Gated communities are appealing to just about every homeowner demographic. From single residents and couples without children to families and older residents, gated communities provide a sense of security in an ever-changing world. This is especially so when the neighborhood is protected by surveillance systems specifically designed for gated communities, with cameras and access control to monitor who enters the gates. 

The major reason families prefer living in a gated society is because of increased protection against criminal activities and theft. To provide maximum security these advanced and high-quality technological devices come with a wide range of features such as night-vision and motion sensors to detect security threats.

Benefits of Gated Community Security Cameras

Here are some benefits of installing a security camera and access control system in gated neighborhoods:

Prevent Criminal Activities

Gated community security cameras can prevent troublesome situations such as vandals spraying graffiti on community property, car theft,  and home burglaries. If you live in a gated community with on-site security guards, these cameras enable the guards to monitor the entire gated community without leaving their control center. In case of emergency, they can easily reach the spot and catch criminals.

Monitoring Visitors

When visitors enter inside through the compound gates, cameras recording their movements can capture any suspicious activities, providing valuable video evidence that can be presented to law enforcement. Gated communities protected by security cameras have less likelihood of nefarious activities. 

Locating Stray or Lost Animals

Have you experienced that horrible feeling of opening your front door to get a package, only to see your family pet making a break for it? Whether you have a rambunctious pup or a free-spirited feline, the truth is that animals like to roam free. Living in a gated community with a security camera system can help you track down your pet and keep them where they should be, be it on the living room floor or in your bed. 

Monitor the Children

With gated community security cameras parents can have confidence when sending their children to play in the community park or wait for the school bus at the gate. The peace of mind that comes from knowing your children are safe is priceless. 


Gate Access Control System

Gated communities can also protect their residents by installing access control systems to filter traffic entering the gated community. This control system comes with wide-ranging features such as automatic gate operators and high-quality surveillance cameras. Strategically aligning gated community security cameras and control panels, residents can prevent intruders from entering inside. Getting advanced security panels from professional security companies such as System Links Colorado, gated communities can streamline user-friendly operation and strong security.

Gated community security access control also helps gated apartments, HOA neighborhoods, and individual homeowners to control traffic flow to their homes. Access control systems ensure peace of mind and smooth operation in a gated community and increase property values as well. Here are some benefits of access security panels:

  • Access control system filters out the threat from visitors
  • These advanced systems are easy to use
  • Guards and residents can track traffic in their gated community


Even if you live in one of the beautiful gated communities in Colorado Springs, you are vulnerable to theft and other criminal threats. One way to maximize the security and safety in your neighborhood is by installing a gated community security camera and access control surveillance system.

If you are a homeowner, property manager or serve on the HOA board in your gated community, contact System Links Colorado to see how easy it is to protect your neighborhood with our options for sales, installation, and maintenance of gated community security cameras and access control systems. At System Links, we pride ourselves on giving Southern Colorado homeowners peace of mind, knowing they are protecting their most valuable asset – their families. 

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Best Places to Install Home Security Cameras

Best Places to Install Home Security Cameras

Best Places to Install Home Security Cameras

Do you want a great way to protect your property and keep your home safe? Then install home security cameras. Security cameras keep extra eyes on your property and can provide visual evidence if and when something happens. If you are in the market for a home security camera system you may be wondering where the best locations to place the cameras around your property to get the most benefit. 

Locations for Your Home Security Camera

You can install home security cameras outdoors and indoors. Here are several of our most recommended locations for Colorado Springs homeowners to maximize the value of their home security camera investment. 

Front Door and Windows

Your front door is one of the best locations to install home security cameras. Placement in this obvious location makes sense because most Colorado Springs homeowners want to see who approaches their door and/or enters their home. 

Windows are also popular locations for home security cameras. Burglars who are unable to gain access to your home through the front door often try to enter through windows, especially if they are not directly facing the street. Placing security cameras around these hidden windows will add another level of security to your home.

Back Doors and Side Doors

Like many windows, back and side doors are often hidden and not easily visible from the street, a characteristic that makes these doors more likely to be targeted for break-ins. Install home security cameras around these doors, especially if they are not used frequently to ensure you are aware of who is approaching your more private home entrances. 

Driveways and Garages

Placing a home security camera facing your driveway can prevent trespassers from using your parked vehicles to hide their approach to your home.

Garages are also a great place to install home security cameras whether your garage is attached to your house or is a separate structure. For instance, if your garage is attached to your home, a security camera not only gives you a clear view of your vehicles, tools, and items stored in your garage, it also gives you another view of a potential entrance of your house. On the other hand, if your garage is detached from your house, placing security cameras around it gives you a great view of your vehicles and items stored in your garage. This can deter potential thieves who might see a detached garage as an easy target.  But regardless of whether your garage is attached or detached, treat the garage like your house and place security cameras near the doors and windows so you will have a good view of anyone approaching. 


Colorado Springs residents love their yards and take pride in maintaining beautiful landscaping and fencing. Unfortunately, however, sometimes our yards are beacons to trespassers.  Installing home security cameras facing your front and back yards will give you a good view of anyone in your yard and make sure that if anyone does trespass on your property you can monitor their activities.

common areas are a good place to install home security camerasCommon Areas

Indoor security cameras are ideal for areas of your home such as the kitchen or family rooms. Often referred to as “nanny-cams,” these security cameras can provide you with additional confidence in the security of your loved ones and belongings when left in the company of babysitters, cleaners, repairmen, etc. Rooms that have big windows are also a good location to place cameras as they can capture anyone tampering with the windows or are sneaking around outside the window.

Main Stairwell or Hallway

Installing a home security camera in a main stairwell or hallway is a great way to keep watch of those entering and wandering around your home. This is especially beneficial to catch thieves who may break in through a bathroom or bedroom. By determining the rooms they entered you will be better equipped to look for stolen items and file a complete police report. 

Places to NOT Put a Home Security Camera

Neighbors’ Property

Placing surveillance cameras facing your neighbors’ property is never a good idea. Not only does it violate their privacy it can be illegal. Take the time to ensure that you have your home security cameras covering only your property. Consulting with professional home security camera installers like System Links is the best way to ensure you are compliant with laws surrounding placing security cameras on your property. 

Bedrooms and Bathrooms

Your bedroom and bathroom are private areas and you do not want that privacy breached by a security camera. It is best to avoid placing cameras in rooms that violate privacy. Keeping cameras in hallways is typically more than sufficient for maintaining security while respecting privacy.

Tips for Placement

Tip 1: Before you install home security cameras, your first step should be to determine if you want the security camera to be visible or hidden. Each option has its benefits. Visible cameras may deter criminals from even attempting to infiltrate your house. But on the other hand, this could also potentially signal to burglars that you have valuables, leading to attempts to infiltrate your home. 

Tip 2: Ensure that your outdoor cameras are durable and can withstand the weather conditions in your area. 

Tip 3: Make sure that you install home security cameras out of reach. Cameras that are easily accessible can be tampered with, giving criminals the opportunity to access your home and destroying your chances of recording their actions on video. Between 8-10 feet off the ground is a good distance to prevent them from being stolen or tampered with. 

Tip 4: Make good use of corners in your home for indoor camera placement, and increase the viewing range of your security camera. 

Tip 5: Don’t forget to clean your outdoor cameras. Colorado weather is famous for its unpredictability, and the lens in your home security camera can easily attract dirt, pollen and other debris. Clean periodically with a disinfectant or lens cleaner to make sure your cameras remain functioning properly and that you are getting the most benefit from your investment to protect your home and loved ones.

Still Have Questions About Where To Install Home Security Cameras? 

With so many options to consider, many Colorado Springs homeowners are confused and overwhelmed by the question of where to install home security cameras. System Links is your locally and woman-owned and managed resource for the sales and installation of security cameras and access control systems. We understand your desire to protect your belongings and loved ones because we have the same desires, and we have been helping our Southern Colorado friends and neighbors secure what is most important to them for over a decade. Contact us today for your free quote!

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The Benefits Of Modern Access Control Systems

The Benefits Of Modern Access Control Systems

Access control systems are gaining popularity across Colorado. An access entry system controls who can and can’t enter a building, ensuring that those who enter a building are only those that have been authorized to do so. As the world around us evolves, the technology behind securing your property and data is evolving as well. Keep reading to find out the many benefits and features of modern access control systems for your Front Range business.

What is an access control system?

Put simply, an access control system is the best way to improve the security of your building. Modern access control system technology eliminates many of the issues that are normally associated with key-based access entry. Small businesses in Colorado Springs want to have control over who can get in and out of their properties, while also keeping track of those who do have access. Using an access control system is a convenient way of providing quick and easy access for any authorized personnel and denies entry for those who are unauthorized, without the hassle of issuing traditional keys and locks. It is also becoming normal to see employees using an app on their smartphone to gain entry to the workplace and different levels of access within their workplace. Cloud-based access control systems, like those provided by VIZPin, restrict access to rooms within buildings that may hold sensitive data, workstations, and essential hardware.

Related: 5 Things You Need To Know About VIZPin Access Control Systems

When an access control system is utilized in a building or property that is rented or requires different levels of access, those levels of access can be customized for each individual needing access. For instance, your receptionist may need access to only areas related to her job functions, whereas your CEO needs access to all areas of your property. Access control systems make it easy to assign each of these individuals access to the areas they need while securing sensitive or data-protected areas.

The Benefits of Modern Access Control Systems

Protecting your office, employees, owners, and tenants is the top priority of all Colorado business owners. A modern access entry system is a perfect solution to improve building security, whether it’s with a passcode, passcard, app-based, biometric or other keyless access control door entry system.

The Benefit of Being Able to Monitor All Activity

Utilizing a modern access control system helps small businesses and apartment buildings monitor who has accessed their facility or property. This modern technology can easily create an entry and exit log which will allow the security team to review data to determine those who have been accessing the building. The ability to track who enters a building is a great benefit because small businesses often hold valuable merchandise within their property, which makes them an appealing target for burglars. But the appeal to burglars can apply to any property, especially places like apartment buildings and churches which do not always have the proper security around the premises making the buildings easy targets for thieves. Having the ability to track who is entering the building and who enters different accessible areas helps prevent instances of burglary. If an instance of burglary does happen, security and authorities will be able to look at the entry log from the access control system and track who has been entering the premises.

The Benefit of Extra Security for Sensitive Information

Along with the concern of merchandise and other assets getting stolen, also consider the possibility of a data breach. Insider leaks, stolen hard drives, and personal property are common physical breaches. These particular data breaches for a business or apartment complex result in the loss of data, theft, and misuse of personal, employee or tenant info. This is why smart business owners and property managers should implement access control systems that are discretionary, meaning that only certain people have access to certain rooms or information, especially where data is stored or located. A system that provides the ability to have specific credentials for various levels of access control is imperative to help prevent this type of thievery and protect property and data.

The Benefit of Safety for Everyone in the Building

A keyless access control system greatly increases the safety of employees or tenants of a building because it protects them from potentially harmful intruders. A modern access control system that uses mobile credentials can also add an extra layer of security because that cannot be shared and/or copied with anyone. Some modern access control systems, like those provided by ENS, also have the ability to deny entry to employees or visitors who are not adhering to face-mask protocols, or who are feverish. In a post-pandemic world, this cutting-edge technology can provide you, your employees and your visitors with confidence that you value their health and safety.

Access Control Systems Eliminate Need For KeysThe Benefit of Not Having to Worry About Keys

It can be a hassle to have traditional keys because they are so easily lost and when a key is lost you have to make a new copy for whoever lost it. If there is an influx of new employees or tenants arriving or leaving, you have to collect the keys of people leaving to hand them to the new people or make entire new copies of the keys. If you are not able to gather all the keys from those exiting the company, or keys to sensitive areas have been lost, you may have to replace the entire key/lock system to ensure that unauthorized access to your business or property is not possible. This also leads to having to issue brand new keys to everyone who works or lives in the building that had to have the key and lock combination changed. With a modern access control system, you don’t have to worry about any of this. When a new person is hired at your company or moves into your apartment building, you give them access through the system. And when someone leaves, you can easily remove them from the ability to access the property without it affecting anyone else who still has access to the property.


Controlling access to your business or apartment complex has never been easier than now, with access control systems that eliminate the need for traditional keys. The technology behind these systems is secure and easy to maintain. If you are ready to explore an access control system to provide extra security to your valuable data, hardware, and the important people in your life, contact System Links today. We are Colorado Springs’ premier source for sales and installation of access control systems. We have the experience to address your access control questions and concerns, and our reputation for amazing sales and installation, customer service and longevity in the security industry is second to none. Contact us today to schedule your free on-site access control solution consultation.

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Gated Community Security Camera Surveillance Systems

Wired vs Wireless Security Camera Systems

Wired vs Wireless Security Camera Systems

As you look to take the steps to protect your Colorado Springs area home by investing in a home security camera system, you need to decide between a wired vs wireless security camera system. With advantages and disadvantages to each option, determining which security camera system will work best for you and your family’s needs can be a challenge. In this article, we share our years of experience with the pros and cons of wired vs wireless security camera systems. 

Wired Security Camera Systems

A wired security camera system is a video system that transmits video and audio feed through a wire to a central hub that stores the footage. That recorded video can remain on the hub for later viewing or it can be forwarded to a network that allows the user to view the video live or to watch it later. Wired security camera systems are connected to 110-volt electric power to ensure continuous, uninterrupted video surveillance of your property.

The many options for wireless security camera systems may make it seem that wired security camera systems are on their way out but there are many benefits to installing wired security camera systems.


Reliability: One of the best things about a wired security camera system is that the central hub is secure, and the signal doesn’t break. The hub will receive the video and audio feed without interruption. This makes the system more reliable because they never lose power or connection to the hub and can have a continuous footage feed. 

Security: Wired cameras can connect to the internet, but they also connect to hubs locally which increases security. The video footage remains safe because all the cameras are connected to the central recording hub without interference. The local directed wired connection makes your system private and secure from being hacked.

Storage: Wired security camera systems also can store video recordings without Cloud subscriptions which prevent the added expense of storing and viewing your footage. Having the right amount of storage will keep your video recordings safe. 


Installation: The main downside to wired security camera systems is the installation process. Depending on your system, you could have a multitude of cameras that need to be set up which can be difficult due to the number of wires that need to be connected to the central hub. These wires also need to be run through the walls and flooring. These factors can affect where the cameras are located because of the logistics of setting up the wires. Most Southern Colorado homeowners do not have the expertise and knowledge to install wired security camera systems. Fortunately, System Links can come to the rescue with affordable options for the installation of wired security camera systems.

Technology: Just like anything else, wired security camera system technology is ever-evolving, which means that the apps associated with these systems may lack modern features or not be as user-friendly as their wireless counterparts. Additionally, wired security camera systems do not typically interface with virtual assistants like Google Home or Amazon Alexa. You might also have to set up a computer monitor to view your forage instead of being able to view the footage on your phone. 

Flexibility: Once your wired security camera system is in place, the camera locations are fixed due to the wire setup. It can be difficult to change the location of the camera because of the wiring limitations in your home. The way your property is set up can affect where your cameras are located due to how you can run the wires throughout the home. 

Wireless Security Camera Systems

We hear the term ‘wireless’ regularly in the modern world. When it comes to technology like security cameras, wireless refers to how the camera communicates, meaning that these cameras communicate over Wi-Fi. However, wireless security camera systems are normally connected to a power source like a power outlet. (Another option is to have the cameras powered by batteries, making it a truly wire-free camera.)

Most wireless cameras store your surveillance video on a cloud server so that you have access to your footage wherever you may be. Wireless security camera systems are on the rise because the footage can be easily accessible on a smartphone when you are away from home. 

wired vs wireless security camerasPros 

Installation: Wireless cameras can be installed in a multitude of places. Because they are not connected to a central hub, there is flexibility in where the cameras can be placed. Wireless camera security systems can be simpler to install and, depending on your property and other requirements, may not require professional help. 

Flexibility: After you have placed the wireless security camera system you may decide that it doesn’t suit your needs in that location. The location of the camera is readily moved as long as there is a Wi-Fi connection available in the new location. 

Ease of Use: Wireless security cameras are relatively easy to use. Similar to wired video security systems, You can easily view the surveillance video on a smartphone app wherever you are. You can also control the settings of your camera from the app.


Connection: Your camera’s connection is vital to its functioning. If your Wi-Fi network is slow or the connection signal from the router to your camera is not strong, your footage can experience glitches or be grainy and inaccessible. You have to make sure your camera is close enough to your Wi-Fi signal so it can transmit the footage without issue.

Quality: Wireless cameras also can have a lower quality of video footage and it can change just like the bandwidth of your internet. The quality can fluctuate depending on how many people are using the internet. There could be possible radio interference or other wireless devices in your home. 

Power: You can easily change the location of wireless cameras, but you have to remember to keep them charged. If you have to pull the camera away to charge, the area you are trying to secure is exposed until your camera can get power again. Many of the battery-powered cameras on the market today are not intended for continuous recording and the battery life can vary depending on how often the camera is used.

Security: Wireless security cameras can be susceptible to security breaches and hacks. Some wireless cameras may not be encrypted and could be more vulnerable to these types of attacks. Being connected to the internet opens up your security camera systems to cyber-attacks that could compromise your system. Ensure that your system has a proper complicated password to help prevent any hacks. 

Read More: Best Ways to Protect Your Home Security Camera From Hackers

Wired vs Wireless Security Camera Systems: Which Is Best For You?

As you can see, there are both advantages and disadvantages to wired vs wireless security camera systems. After reviewing the pros and cons of both options, you need to make the best choice for your home situation.

Are you a homeowner? A wired security camera system may be the best choice to monitor all the aspects of your property, with an ultra-reliable system that has an interrupted feed. There will be an initial effort and cost to install the system, but it is ultra-reliable and has that constant footage feed. 

Do you rent your home? Then a wireless security camera system may be your best option. Wireless systems are easy and fast to set up and you can easily change their location to fit your needs. These are also great because you (and your landlord) may not want to commit to the alterations to your home that are required with wired systems. 

Are you still undecided on wired vs wireless security camera systems? Then contact System Links today. Not only do we have the expertise and knowledge to help you make the right security camera choice for you and your family, but we also have access to cutting-edge security camera technology and access control solutions that you may have never considered. Call us today to schedule your free site assessment and quote. We look forward to helping you keep the things that matter the most to you safe and secure!

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Halloween Security Tips For Homeowners


Halloween Security Tips for Homeowners

Halloween Security Tips for Homeowners

Autumn is quickly sneaking up on us in Southern Colorado, and many homeowners are searching for Halloween security tips to protect both themselves and the trick-or-treaters haunting their neighborhoods. Whether you’re a new homeowner or have been in your current home for years, you can never be too prepared for a neighborhood event like Halloween. Here are some tips (and tricks!) to ensure that your home is secure this Halloween. 

Best Halloween Security Tips

A secure home is important all year round, but especially during Halloween.  A 2016 report from Traveler’s Insurance showed that homeowner claims for property crimes rose 24% on Halloween night.   

While that might seem startling, the following tips will help keep your home safe and secure during Halloween night and throughout the rest of the year.

Set Your Alarms and Security Systems

Ensuring that all your alarms, security cameras and systems are working properly prior to Halloween night will prevent any worry that your system is not functioning properly. And, since many times just the sight of a security camera or alarm system will deter thieves from committing crimes, you should make sure your camera is in clear view and not hidden. 

Related to making sure your cameras and alarms are set ahead of time, you may also want to consider placing a sticker in your window or a sign in your yard that you are protecting your property. These can serve a dual purpose. First, families will know that your home is safe for younger trick-or-treaters. Second, potential burglars or vandals know that your home is secure and that they can be caught on video. Make sure signs in your yard are easily visible and window stickers in plain view so that all guests (wanted and unwanted) can see the measures you take to protect your home.

Light Up Your Home

Its simple, lights signal to visitors that you are home and aware of their presence. 

Whether your Halloween plans include staying at home handing out candy or going out, leave on a few house lights to let visitors know that someone is home. This simple Halloween security tip can deter potential criminals from marking your home as an easy target. 

Additionally, If you have closed down and are no longer handing out candy, or are just not participating in the revelries this year, you may want to invest in motion sensor lights. Your house and lawn may be dark, implying that no one is awake or home to hand out treats. However, if someone crosses onto your property the lights will come on.  This conveys the message that even though it may seem that no one is home, you are keeping watch on your property.

Halloween Security Tips - Lock Up!Secure All Your Windows and Doors

If you are occupied on your front porch all night handing out candy to kids, burglars and vandals may see an opportunity to approach your home through open windows and an unlocked back door. Close and lock all windows are doors outside your line of sight so no surprise visitors can get in. Placing security cameras or sensors on other entrances to your house is also a great way to make sure no one gets in without your knowledge. 

Close the Garage

If you have a garage, use it! Park your cars in your garage and lock them. With so many people out walking, an open garage door can be an open invitation to look inside. And if they are inclined to look inside, they may see something that they like and return later to snatch it up. Also parking your cars inside your garage ensures that your cars can’t get vandalized,  even if you’re in a place with low foot or motor traffic.

Take Pictures of Your Home Beforehand

Taking a few pictures of your home before Halloween goes into full spooky swing can ensure that, if something does end up happening on your property, you have documentation of what your home looked like before and after the incident. You’ll be able to contact your insurance company and present them with the evidence.

Lock Up Tight

Determine ahead of time when to cutoff giving out candy, and make sure you lock everything up when you do stop. Secure doors, gates, garage, and anything else important to you. Locking up ensures that there are no tricks after you’ve given out all the treats!


 While it is an unfortunate fact that some use Halloween as an opportunity to do damage to their neighbor’s homes and properties, implementing these Halloween security tips should give you some peace of mind. At System Links, we understand that Halloween’s reputation as the spookiest night of the year can seem even scarier for Colorado Springs homeowners wanting to protect their homes, property, and families. We have been helping our friends and neighbors throughout Southern Colorado protect what is most important to them for over 20 years. From camera and full system sales and installation at homes and businesses to access control systems for larger properties, we have the knowledge and experience to ensure you’ll be safe from all the ghouls and ghosts roaming around the neighborhood this Halloween.

Contact us today for your free quote!

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5 Things You Need to Know About Vizpin Access Control Systems

5 Things You Need to Know About Vizpin Access Control Systems

In today’s world, one of the smartest decisions you can make for the security of your Southern Colorado business is to invest in a premises access control system. If you are looking for a feature-rich, high-tech access control solution then Vizpin Access Control Systems is one of the best, most user-friendly and secure options available.

Thirty years ago, it seemed like the only businesses with access control systems were Fortune 100 companies, high-tech developers and manufacturers, and government installations. But since then, controlling who has access to your premises and data, and exactly when this access is granted, has become an essential aspect of nearly every business, no matter the size. 

With the plethora of options available, why should you choose to install a Vizpin Access Control System at your company’s premises? Here are five core features Vizpin technology provides to secure your company premises. 

1. Vizpin Is Cloud-Based

With Vizpin Access Control Systems, security permissions do not need to be set up locally but are instead managed by the service provider via a remote server. All that is necessary on your (or your designated administrator’s) part is a mobile connection or a web browser. That is it. Your administrator will be able to set up and manage permissions from anywhere, at any time, all through an app on their smartphone.

This cloud-based approach allows for your administrator to manage access to multiple buildings, handle complex security requirements, collaborate with other individuals, and eliminate the need for training a local operator, for both service and maintenance. 

2. Vizpin is Secure 

The reality is that security is becoming more of an issue all the time. Whether you are most concerned with hackers hijacking your data or compromising your system, or the safety and security of your employees and visitors, any good access control system has to be flexible enough to allow for customization, but also be configurable for maximum security and safety. Vizpin is just such a flexible and configurable access control system.

The Vizpin access control reader is mounted in a secure area, well away from potential burglars, and safe from weather elements. The system can be customized to use two-factor authentication (TFA) or even multi-factor authentication (MFA), so as to handle all logical security requirements. This feature also enables you to use end-to-end data encryption when it is necessary to transmit data to other locations.

3. Network Requirements with Vizpin

solar panel on vizpin access control systemsMany traditional access control systems use the same network as business-critical systems. This means a conventional system is wired into a central panel and requires a local network to support it. In addition to extensive wiring, an ISP, and a number of routers, an IT professional will likely need to oversee and implement the entire network.

Vizpin Access Control Systems, on the other hand, do not require any network installation,  which eliminates the possibility of your corporate network being compromised. You’ll also enjoy the benefits of a less expensive installation, as well as no need for maintenance personnel or for IT specialists. Vizpin is therefore a self-contained, protected access control system.

You Might Like: The Benefits Of Modern Access Control Systems

4. Vizpin is User-Friendly

The ultramodern Vizpin Access Control System is easy to configure, use and manage. Because a Vizpin system eliminates the need for fobs, key cards, or physical badges, there is no need for extensive training of your administrator. The system is intuitive and very user-friendly and can be used easily right after installation. 

And, if instant access is needed at any time, your administrator can easily navigate the cloud-based access control software to make the necessary updates.

5. Scalability With Vizpin

Vizpin is one of the most easily scalable access control systems on the market, so regardless of the kind of growth your company goes through, Vizpin can mirror that growth.

For instance, if you need to add an additional secure area in your workplace, or if your company undergoes significant expansion, your Vizpin Access Control System will grow right along with the company. Expansion is a breeze, and the cost is very affordable.

System Links Colorado: Your Local Expert Vizpin Access Control Systems Retailer And Installer

With so many great features and cutting-edge technology, Vizpin Access Control Systems are becoming increasingly popular with Southern Colorado companies. At System Links Colorado, we are proud to be premier retail sales and installers of this awesome technology. Contact us today for more information and to request a free quote

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Installing Costco Security Cameras – What You Need To Know

Installing Costco Security Cameras – What You Need to Know

Installing Costco Security Cameras – What You Need to Know

Installing Costco security cameras and CCTV systems is not as easy as the store employees and the equipment packaging might lead you to believe.  If you have purchased or are considering purchasing an off-the-shelf (OTS) security camera system at Costco then this post will give you valuable insights and tips to ensure your system is both installed correctly and cost-effectively. 

Costco Security Cameras

Costco sells security camera systems that are cheap and lower-quality alternatives to the systems offered by commercial-grade security system suppliers. That being said, the OTS packages purchased at big-box stores are still decent security systems that can meet the needs of many homeowners and small businesses who need basic surveillance features on a tight budget.  (For instance, baby or puppy monitoring, small areas, store entrances, etc.)

Quick plug – If you are in the greater Colorado Springs area and looking for a professional security camera installation company to take over the install of your Costco, Sam’s Club, Walmart, Home Depot, Best Buy or Amazon security camera then give System Links a call.  We are happy to help you with installing your system, and the price might surprise you. 

Costco sells security camera systems by Lorex, AvertX, Blink, Arlo, Swan, and Ring, among others.  

Does Costco Install Security Cameras?

The short answer is no. Costco as a company does not install the security camera systems they sell.  Rather, they are selling a do-it-yourself (DIY) security system.  The customer service section of the Costco website will tell you to refer to the instruction manual (if one is included) and for further assistance, contact Costco Concierge Services at 866-861-0450. Please have your membership number and serial number available.   

When you call the Costco customer service number, prepare yourself for a lengthy voice response menu. After responding to half a dozen menu choices, a friendly person will eventually come on the line.  However, when you ask the Concierge Services member about how to get your security camera installed the reply is: “You can install it yourself, or you can go to Google and search for a local security camera installation service near me.” 

The Concierge Services member might also mention that sometimes the member services desk at your local Costco might have a list of installers, but don’t count on it.  

Related: Best Places To Install Home Security Cameras

Factors to Consider When Attempting a DIY Install of Off-the-Shelf (OTS) Security Camera System

Yes, you can install your own security camera systems.  The challenge is the camera wiring, which involves many factors that most DIY’ers don’t have the skills or experience to accomplish effectively.  Here is an example of the types of factors you need to take into consideration when installing a wired security camera system yourself: 

  • Planning where the camera should go for best effectiveness
  • Locating the camera recording system for power, security, and noise
  • Fishing and running wire through attics, walls, soffits, HVAC ducts
  • A significant variety of tools are needed which most homeowners do not have in their toolbox
  • Crawling around tight attics and spider-infested crawl spaces
  • Complex wiring connections
  • Quality of materials (OTS systems use cheap plastic that is not made to withstand harsh Colorado weather conditions)
  • Drilling through interior and exterior walls, ceilings, foundations
  • Configuring the recording system

How Much Does It Cost to Have Costco Security Cameras Installed?

Naturally, the answer to the question of how much does it cost to install security camera systems is “it depends.”

The expert installers at System Links install hundreds of security camera systems in the greater Colorado Springs area each year.  On average, the installation of home security systems purchased at Costco will cost in a range between $500 and $2,500.  The number of cameras, size of the home, number of rooms you wish to monitor, and outside surveillance requirements are the key cost drivers.

Business and commercial installations have a much bigger range and it is difficult to make a ballpark estimate.  We install Costco security systems in small apartment buildings, retail operations, restaurants, commercial buildings, smaller hotels and motels, schools, churches, storage lots, etc. As in the case of home installation, the specific requirements of each installation affect the cost to install.

Commercial Grade Security Cameras Can Be as Cost-Effective

Yes, multi-camera surveillance systems sold at the likes of Costco can be cheap.  But, like anything, you get what you pay for.  

Buying CCTV security equipment is similar to any other purchase you will make, in the sense that cheaper equipment will do the job. But, how well do you want that job done?  Do you need or want higher video quality, effective system design, security and reliability, user-friendliness, reliable warranty, integration with pre-existing equipment, and accessories? If so,  then you really need to contact a professional security camera installer in Colorado Springs.

As we said above, at System Links, we are experts at installing Costco security cameras for our neighbors and local business owners.  Click to schedule a free site visit and a reliable quote for an OTS CCTV security camera installation in Colorado Springs.

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5 Things To Consider To Get The Best Small Business Security Camera System

5 Things to Consider to Get the Best Small Business Security Camera System

5 Things to Consider to Get the Best Small Business Security Camera System

A lot of Colorado Springs business owners ask us what small business security camera system is best for their company. Security cameras vary greatly in terms of features, and that can make choosing the best cameras for your business a difficult task. The reason for such a large variety of features is because modern surveillance systems for businesses are built to meet certain, specific needs.

In this post, we’ll briefly explain 5 things you need to consider to ensure you get the best small business security camera system for your Colorado Springs company or organization.

1. Indoor vs Outdoor Security Camera Systems

The primary distinction between an indoor and outdoor small business security camera system is the types of external factors each camera has to be able to withstand.

Indoor cameras can be smaller, more lightweight and are usually less intrusive than bulkier outdoor cameras.  An indoor security camera cannot be used outside because it is not weatherproof.

An outdoor small business security camera system has to resist a wide range of outdoor weather conditions. The cameras and wiring are waterproof and tamper-resistant. Colorado is famous for brutal winter storms, so depending on your requirements, an outdoor surveillance camera may even need a heater.

2. High-Definition

As the name suggests, high-definition security cameras can record video in 720p, 1080p or better definition.  High definition cameras worked best with wired camera systems and higher-capacity Digital Video Recorders (DVRs) or Network Video Recorders (NVRs).

Many business owners want high-definition cameras because they need to see the details of what is happening in the surveillance videos.  For example, if you need to positively identify faces in your security videos then you need to look into higher quality cameras and recording devices.

Many small business security camera systems available at retail stores like Costco or Home Depot claim to offer high resolution but figuring out what clarity you are actually getting can be confusing.  If you want surveillance videos with very high resolution and clarity then we recommend you speak with a security camera expert to match your needs with the right equipment.

Further Reading: Installing Costco Security Cameras – What You Need To Know

3. Bullet vs Dome Cameras

When researching small business security camera systems you will frequently come across the terms “bullet security camera” and “dome security camera.” Both are designed for surveillance but the design of each is specialized.

Bullet cameras are typically used for long-range surveillance where video is needed far away from the physical location of the camera, such as in long hallways and parking lots. Bullet cameras are tube-shaped and point in the direction of the surveillance requirement.

Dome cameras are used for short-range where video surveillance is needed close up.  Dome cameras are often wide-angle to monitor a large area that is close to the physical placement of the camera and are commonly used in retail areas and indoor storage rooms.

small business security camera system - bullet camera

4.  Wired vs Wireless

Small business security camera systems need to communicate with a video recorder which is usually centrally located in a secure location. Wireless cameras connect over wi-fi to record your security camera video footage.  Wired security camera systems connect using coax cables to the recording device.  Wired vs wireless cameras is a large topic that we will cover in a future blog. For this post, here are the key features and benefits of each type of camera to recorder connection solutions.

Wireless Small Business Security Camera Systems

Simple and cheaper installation is the primary advantage of wireless security camera systems.  You need to provide wifi but there is no need to purchase, install and protect wires.  The second key benefit of wifi cameras is that placement of the camera is flexible and possible where a wire is just not feasible, for instance outside on a pole or in a tree. Wireless systems are also easy to take down if you need a temporary solution (such as a rental property).

Wired Security Camera Systems

Reliability and performance are the main reasons business owners choose wired security camera systems.  Unlike wifi, wired connections are not susceptible to wifi signal interference or outages. Wired solutions can be larger with more cameras and more features than wifi.  If you want high-definition video footage from multiple locations then wired is the way to go. Naturally, since wired systems require the purchase and installation of physical cables the cost of wired systems is higher than wireless solutions.

At System Links, we almost always recommend a wired small business security camera system for office, warehouse, apartment, retail and home surveillance systems.

5.  Night Vision

What are the lighting conditions of your surveillance requirement?  Do you have indoor rooms that need to be monitored even if the lights are off?  Do you need to monitor outdoor areas at night? If so, then you will need to consider night vision cameras.

Night vision security cameras are equipped with infrared (IR) illuminators that light up the area to be surveilled with invisible IR light.  This enables the IR cameras to literally see in the dark and capture the video you need.

Night vision surveillance equipment comes in many different levels of capability and quality.  For example, if the area you need to monitor has varying levels of light and dark, you should consider systems with  “Smart IR,” which is a technology that adjusts IR brightness to accommodate varying levels of light. This is just one example of many options to consider in night vision camera systems.


There are many things to consider when choosing a small business security camera system. In this post, we just explored 5 of the key considerations for choosing a security camera system for your company.  There are all sorts of security camera elements that you may have never heard or thought about before. System Links recommends that you speak with our security camera experts to help you determine the best security camera for your business needs.  We offer free consultations, site visits and quotes to Colorado Springs area businesses that are researching security camera solutions.

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Most Popular Reasons To Install Security Cameras In Small Businesses

5 Things You Need To Know ABout Vizpin Access Control Systems

Most Popular Reasons to Install Security Cameras in Small Businesses

Most Popular Reasons to Install Security Cameras in Small Businesses

A lot of Colorado Springs small business owners ask us what are the reasons to install security cameras in their small businesses. In today’s world, security cameras offer a large variety of features and related benefits, and surveillance systems are built to meet certain, specific needs.  

In this post, we’ll briefly explain the key reasons to install security cameras and some benefits for your small business.

Security Cameras Deter Crime  

The most popular reasons to install security cameras in local businesses are to protect from shoplifting and various forms of theft and vandalism. Thieves want easy targets.  Just the presence of security cameras can discourage criminals from targeting your property, encouraging them to move on to easier scores instead. 

Use Security Cameras To Gather Intel 

After deterring crime, one of the most popular reasons to install security cameras for many businesses is to collect info on what is going on at the businesses with employees, customers, and yes – even management.  Why? Because, when you know you are being recorded you avoid many potentially negative interactions in the workplace. So, if you are concerned about employee productivity, customer service, premise liability, in-house property theft or even workplace harassment and violence, installing a surveillance system will alleviate those concerns. 

Improve Retail Processes 

Closely related to the above step of gathering evidence, another of the many reasons to install security cameras is to discover inefficiencies in your business processes or even the physical layout of your office, production floor or store.  Many of our Colorado Springs area retail customers tell us they analyze security camera surveillance videos to improve business practices related to parking, greeting customers, high-interest product placement, aisle and shelving layouts, gauging customer interest in sales displays, register processes and more.  

Security Cameras Provide You With Convenience

Many Pikes Peak region business owners discover this happy reason to install security cameras – security cameras can let you be in two places at once.  For example, if your business has multiple locations you can save trips to each location by checking the video feed. You can use the security feed to make sure employees are showing up and providing great customer service, the store or office is clean and products are displayed correctly or that deliveries are being made and handled correctly.

Lower Your Insurance Costs With Security Cameras

Many Colorado Springs insurance companies offer discounts to public-facing businesses that install security camera systems.  For example, you can often save on liability insurance premiums.  Speak with a local insurance agent for more info. 

Conclusion – There Are Plenty Of Great Reasons To Install Security Cameras

In this post, we shared the many great reasons to install security cameras at your Colorado Springs business. Many business owners only think in terms of reducing shoplifting or monitoring employees and customers. However, there are many benefits beyond these including process improvement, customer service enhancements, and saving time and money on travel and insurance.

As a locally and family-owned small business, System Links is committed to the safety, security and values of our community.  If you are curious how a surveillance system may help your Colorado Springs area business, we offer free site visits and estimates for security camera installation. We are happy to help you determine the best security camera for your needs. 

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Access Control

Maintenance and Service Agreements

New Website Launched May 2021

New Website Launched May 2021

We are very excited to announce the launch of our newly designed website. After several months of work focused on how our website could best serve our customers, we are delighted to officially announce the launch on May 4, 2021. We wanted to make the new website faster, easier to navigate, and more user-friendly.

Our goal with this new website is to provide our visitors an easier way to learn about System Links security camera and access control installation and support services in Colorado Springs. The new website gives better access to what we do, who we are, where we work, and our expertise and services.

Our forthcoming Blog will provide regular content designed to help homeowners and business owners protect the people and property they value the most.

Thank you for visiting!

Rich and Samantha Shaw, Owners

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Most Popular Reasons To Install Security Cameras In Your Colorado Springs Business